# Validations

Validations are a central part of Loveform. The type of the Validation functions is as follows:

type Validation<T> = (value: T) => true | string;

Here the T generic parameter corresponds to the type of the field being validated. For instance, validations for LInput and LTextarea receive a string value:

type Validation = (value: string) => true | string;

On the other hand, validations for LCheckboxGroup receive an array of boolean values:

type Validation = (value: Array<boolean>) => true | string;

# Indicating an error

Notice that validation functions return either true or a string. Returning true indicates that the validation passed. Returning a string indicates that the validation failed. The string returned by the validation function corresponds to the human-readable representation of the error.

The nice thing about this schema is that validation functions are very expressive. For instance, if you wanted to check that a string contains a & character, the validation function would look like this:

(text: string) => text.includes('&') || 'The text must include a "&" character'

# Validation order

Validations are passed as arrays of multiple validation functions to validatable components. This means that you will probably have an array that looks something like this:

const validations = [
  (text: string) => !!text.trim() || 'The text must not be empty',
  (text: string) => text.includes('&') || 'The text must include a "&" character',

Here, the first validation run will be the first element in the array. Then the following validation will run and so on until the last validation function of the array. The first validation to fail will be the one to be shown to the user.

# Complex validations

Notice that, until now, the documentation has only shown validation functions with the following form:

(content) => validate(content) || 'error message'

But it could happen that your validation is much more complex than that. That should be no problem at all, as long as you always return true when the validation passes or a string if the validation fails:

const validate = (content: string) => {
  // run the validations here
  if (validations === 'pass') {
    return true;
  return errorString;

const validations = [