# Introduction

Loveform is a tool that helps you build validated forms in Vue 3 without the need to handle the whole validation process yourself. This means that you no longer need to write a submit function with a huge if - else if - else chain of conditionals and a whole bunch of error variables. Just import the component you need to use, write a validation function and voilà! Your form is production ready!

# Why Loveform?

When building forms, you can choose between using no library at all, using one of the libraries that include form validation handling as a secondary feature (like Vuetify (opens new window)) or using Loveform.

If you decide to use no library at all, you will soon find yourself with a ton of variables holding errors for different inputs, large validations that include tons of if statements and a huge template to tie it all together. Soon enough, you will start writing your own form assembly solution (just as I did), wasting valuable time that could be better used writing code that will actually improve your business/project.

If you decide to use a library that includes form validation handling as a secondary feature (like Vuetify (opens new window)), you will probably have a Very hard time customizing how your forms look like. These libraries almost always include default styling and other features that you probably don't want nor need.

If you decide to use Loveform, you will have the power to write fully validatable forms without having to worry about the validation chain, while being able to fully style your components however you desire 😈.

# Installation

Install using npm! (or your favourite package manager)

# Using npm
npm install loveform

# Using yarn
yarn add loveform

Please note that Loveform will only work with Vue 3.